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3 recherche sur le tag 'chemical reactors'

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Gilbert F Froment, Auteur ; Kenneth B Bischoff, Auteur ; Juray De Wilde, Auteur | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc | 2010This is the Third Edition of the standard text on chemical reaction engineering, beginning with basic definitions and fundamental principles and continuing all the way to practical applications, emphasizing real-world aspects of industrial pract[...]![]()
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H. Scott Fogler, Auteur | Boston : Prentice Hall | Prentice Hall international series in the physical and chemical engineering sciences | 2016For decades, H. Scott Fogler’s Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering has been the world’s dominant text for courses in chemical reaction engineering. Now, Fogler has created a new, completely updated fifth edition of his internationally resp[...]![]()
texte imprimé
This is the complete, modern introduction to chemical reaction engineering for today’s readers: students who demand instantaneous access to information, have no time to waste, and want to enjoy learning as they build their critical thinking and [...]